Monday, July 6, 2020


count up how many times you said "who the hell are you!" this long holiday weekend. see? it's not like that commercial that tells you to count up the number of people you have to hug when all this is over...

1. what is the last song you sang?


get it?

btw, that's Billy's father on guitar at the end there doing the solo. that was the last time Billy and his father ever spoke again...they only did it as a tribute to the mother...

2. what place are you longing to visit?

wherever next my girlfriend galavants globally. no but seriously i SERIOUSLY need to get away! i need to FUCKING travel! i need to get the hell outta here. let them fumigate the monastery while i'm gone. i'm going to New Zealand and staying there however long till there's a vaccine. one year, two years, three? i won't leave till i get Dr. K and that green Power Ranger back together in their rekindled relationship cos you know that stuff is OTP. i've missed tennis more than sex, i'm getting tickets to the U.S. Open this year!!!...

3. tell us about the last time you were insulted:

midnight. unknown cobble street. wobbly. i'm throwing up like Jill Clayburgh in An Unmarried Woman. i don't see where i'm going and suddenly the person in front of me's white collar is brown and green. he is very angry at me and tells me i'm going to Hell.

the man is my local priest. never interrupt a priest when he's having a boilermaker with his mates.

well we did make up and


4. when was the last time you hung out with anyone not in your immediate household? what did you do?

with a mouse. i tried to make amends for all the pain i had caused. i gave him a piece of rare Stilton cheese in a wedge but he thought it was poisonous cos it looked moldy. i swore to him, no traps this time. it wasn't smelly but that clothespin on my nose didn't help. you see many people don't know that Jerry actually owns the house. i'm a tomcat named Tom who only stays there when the owner and his wife and baby in a baby stroller are away...

5. fill in the blank: i spend a lot of hours ___

thinking what my next thing on Instagram's gonna be...

BONUS: which is worse---smelly feet or smelly breath?

a smelly soul



Bathwater said...

I spend a lot of time doing everything I do, excising, chasing women, blogging, video games, working. Perhaps it would be easier to ask what I don't spend a lot of time on.

the late phoenix said...

I don't do much nowadays that isn't writing. I love it but i'm gonna get even stir-crazier once the second lockdown hits. TRAVEL solves all problems. I'm even starting to eat organic chips!...…...okay I cheated a bit, they're nacho cheese organic chips...