Wednesday, March 14, 2012



click on someone who's got some problems for the S series finale

the way i should draw on my body to end the series came to me in a dream, so don't question, don't question the scary dream which told me what to scribble on myself...

it is my DUTY to inform you that this will be a first for me, i'm gonna link you guys up to a live performance, not the usual music video or studio track, this is live fun, folks, enjoy, you're at a concert now, so watch out for flying things hitting your heads, stuff like banana peels, "bananas", or drugs. save the Extasy, put it in your pocket for later, it gains street value the longer you hold onto it.





Mia Wallace said...

I've always thought Billy Corgan was a funny looking guy... Didn't Smashing Pumpkins break up?

KaziG said...

I'm all abused and confused :)
Was that by design?

~Kazi xxx

Jack and Jill said...

Interesting way to incorporate the "duty" theme. We incorporated "design" pretty much the same way, with an awkwardly-inserted instance of the word into the text that accompanied our picture, and not with any actual design.

Billy Corgan reminds me of Lex Luthor in Smallville. Not that I ever watched it.


the late phoenix said...

mia: yes, he looks like Uncle Fester, and he whines, but he's still my Lord

kazi: we must not question the source of my madness...

jj: i watched the first season of Smallville religiously, mostly for Kristin, but then it all kinda got garbled and i quit

the late phoenix said...

oh, yes, well the original four Smashing Pumpkins, that grand quartet, did break up, yes, sadly...

Anonymous said...

Love how you interpreted the theme and made it your own. Thanks for playing along!

Nolens Volens said...

Now what will you do next week? I looked at the schedule... ;)

Cheeky Minx said...

I'm unsure there's a better live experience than the Pumpkins. The first for me was a scorching Sydney day at the Big Day Out with the crowd swelling and sweltering, bumping and grinding and moshing, the music crashing over us all like a crazed sonic wave.

Just perfect babe... :*

the late phoenix said...
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the late phoenix said...

clan: i'm tryin', but the Extasy is slowly taking over my body...

nv: a new series, and new opportunities for me to...

cheeky: babe, let's swivel, surge, swing, and score together, me and a mosh pit built for two

the late phoenix said...

daisy: i dream about very, very, very, very dark things, that's four verys, that's a new record ;)