Wednesday, May 18, 2011


this is hardcore JEOPARDY! hardcore hardcore game show

everything i've learned about life i've learned from porn: where to stand, where to sit (blocking), where to position my body and her body to achieve the perfect contortion, what sweet nothings to whisper into her ear (and they are REAL things you must whisper, they're not really NOTHINGS), how to cum on her without making her mad afterwards, etc. on a completely unrelated note, i seem to be dateless this saturday night. anyway, i'm thinking of making this a new wednesday tradition.


have i told you lately how much japan fascinates me? the last post, you say? oh, okay, just making sure, just checking...



Unknown said...

Well damn that seemed kind of harsh on the poor guys. Unless they of course wanted to die like that..

Cheeky Minx said...

Damn. I've been blocked from watching this.

Are you really fascinated by Japan? I should make a note... ;)

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Moshi moshi boyfriend. ah...watching porn didn't teach me anything. I'm more a hands on know. I learn better while experiencing it. And that make me a better teacher...hehehe.

Sayonara baby. (((MWUAH)))

Missed Periods said...

If this is NSFW porn, is there SFW porn? I want to work there.

the late phoenix said...

singed: it's a good way to slough off this mortal coil, no?

cheeky babes: hey, the vending machine dress wins the day. i hate it when the computer goes all puritan on me

zora: baby, i love it when you visit. you can be my sensei anytime. i think it's high time we make another home movie together...

the late phoenix said...

missed: oh baby, now i'm even MORE hot for teacher!

Elle said...

Ok. That is weird. But I guess for Japan, it's not really that weird :P

Autumn said...

you know? i find japan rather fascinating myself. :)

thanks for commenting...ahhh...this is a nice spot to be. i always enjoy your posts. enjoy your friday babes.

loves autumn

the late phoenix said...

elle: you know me: the stranger, the better

autumn: hi there, thanks for visiting, may the japan sun shine on us all

drollgirl said...

fuh-reaks. for realz.

Joanna Cake said...

I couldnt click the link as I have houseguests but I too learned a lot from porn.

However, some of it was how not to have sex :)

Anonymous said...

That is the most fascinating nd strange thing I have seen for some time...

the late phoenix said...

droll: :O :) :D

joanna: exactly ;)

cavern: it's but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the internets


I'm still stuck staring at all the big booty pics in this comment section that I forgot what the hell I was gonna say.

oh yeah...You are a fucking genius!

the late phoenix said...

thundercat: your animated avatar wins the logo wars!