first, click on the pumps to pump up the series
the song has a WINTER WONDERLAND vibe, huh?
you've been tasked with arranging your friend's funeral. you
A) keep it light and airy, make it more of a party than a wake, fill the atmosphere with good food, healthy drink, clean ale, and dirty beer.
B) decide to go in the exact opposite direction and make it as somber, bleak, and respectful as possible. you get in only if you've known the deceased for at least ten years, you must wear all black from head to toe, men must wear top hat and tails, women must wear skirts that go down to their ankles and a veil. black ties only. gray tie for you, sir? well, okay, i'll let you in this time only because i like your sad face. uh, madam, the one with the short, tight skirt hugging your ass? yeah, sorry, you must leave, this is an occasion to get down on your knees to pray, not to get down on your knees, ya mean? oh, i didn't see your face clearly the first time i spoke to you...yeah, nevermind, you can stay...meet you at seven afterwards for some pub pretzels?
C) strive for it to be the funnniest funeral you can make it. you try so hard to avoid the messy topic of death and eternal loss that you get serious, seriously fucking hilarious. the only patrons you let in are those who can tell a dirty joke that makes sense. no knock-knock jokes, i'll knock you out on your butt. no racist jokes, what do you think this is, a typical Tuesday? observation humor? beat Seinfeld and you're in...we are gonna LAUGH, people, life is funny, we are gonna chuckle away our problems if it kills us
D) study up on the Forever 27 Club and decide to cancel the funeral and work on perfecting that one musical riff which is gonna lead to that perfect song which will land you atop the charts and prepare you to join the Forever 27 Club...and let someone else deal with your funeral, like that pub 'n' pretzels babe