Monday, December 31, 2012
PIC 3 from top: man but do i want X FILES to come some capacity...whether a new series or another okay-not-brilliant-but-decent-kinda-subpar-but-alright film...the Truth is out there, but it's taking a long-ass time to come by the Truth...also, "24" movie...yeah, let's adrenaline is tanking...especially after seeing Jack Bauer in Melancholia off himself, i need to be jarred the other way.1. any strip poker in your life? strip spin-the-bottle? any resultant nudity? details please: well since you said please so nicely, i'll spill. no...i mean, maybe in college, every good and bad thing ever happened to me in college...i probably did, but was too *green* to remember, i was taking a massive amount of late-night environmental classes...while stoned off my ass. oh, there was this one time i played strip naked seven-minutes-in-heaven...the maid was cleaning the closet at the time...that's how we met...2. did Naked Twister lead to anything further?Timmy: Jimmy, i'm ready to poo.Jimmy: what? i'm having my oatmeal over here, whaddaya want?Timmy: Jimmy, it's time for me to poo...remember what we talked about?Jimmy: oh come on, wait 'til i have my grapefruit juice first.Timmy: i'm gonna poo! i can't wait! it's coming!...oh...that's...this off-Broadway one-act play i created during the break...still working on, naked Twister? no, i don't do that stuff, even regular Twister, the rules of that game are too complicated for my small peanut brain to grasp.3. did Truth or Dare ever lead to nudity or fondling? nudity, no. fondling, yes. i was big into Madonna in those days, still am, but this was during her Truth or Dare days. i was engaging in some heavy pop-culture wordplay with my bespectacled friend Norbert. Norbert wasn't a geek, just misunderstood. five squirrel-licks later, there's me having to dress in a Madonna leotard, fondling Norbert...'s hair, touching Norbert's hair, messing it up, ol' Norbert hated when people played with his finely-coiffed hair.4. key parties, recount: ah, key parties, a staple of the '70s. i wasn't quite of age to partake in them, but i did live them in a way. one word, one movie title: The Ice Storm, PIC 4 from top. yep, Sigourney Weaver, a '70s key party, as groovy as it gets. y'know, that movie was one of the first i rented from this place which was run by a cool mustachioed lawyer and his hot after-goth babe employee at the counter, one of the first places i staked my stakes in when i moved to this area. yeah, that's around the time i started getting serious about movie-watching, i was done with the popcorn summer blockbusters, i wanted to start watching and studying films, not movies, the stuff that are studied in film classes, the foreign stuff by the legends, the obscure indies, i wanted to get lost in that stuff, it hurts a pop-culture maven writer like myself when his source of material is limited because he hasn't seen a certain film and thus misses the reference that everyone else gets at a party, y'know...a key party.5. unexpected co-ed skinny dipping in a group? skinny-dipping, yea. unexpected, no. what was unexpected was the doody that was floating around in the pool, some dude yelled DOODY!!! and all of us babes and studs had to flee the scene completely naked and scamper across the golf course late at night like chickens with our heads cut off. later, i'm not so offended by doody as my friends were, so i decided to eat the biggie, 'twas but a candy bar...yea, you've caught me, thanks to the fine folks at Netflix, i just watched last night Caddyshack, the good version of the film, the uncut, uncensored version, i give it three thumbs up...i have three thumbs.bonus: do you have a favorite fantasy about a sexy party? share now: well, there's what actually happens at a party for me these days, and then there's the fantasy, the fantasy is always more luscious, the fantasy involves a threesome with two blogger friends of mine, one who is taking a dangerous plane ride to promote her art, i find that so admirable and hot, and the other who i'm fighting with currently...hopefully, we can make amends, for makeup sex is always the raunchiest kind of sex...CLICK HERE FOR TMI TUESDAY.
Friday, December 28, 2012
everybody out there, help me out here with this one. please participate.the Oscars telecast is famous for its In Memoriam segment, where we all take a moment to remember those we lost in the film industry this year, their bright faces shine on the silver screen as maudlin, sometimes inspirational, music plays in the background. well, blogs and bloggers can be memorialized in this way, too. blog friends are fickle, they can be your bestest friend in the whole wide world ever one minute, a wisp of online air that disappears in the night the next, never to be heard from again. hey, i sympathize, i can relate, lord knows how many times i've wanted to delete this albatross of a blog i've got here and move on, whatever "on" may mean. so, in the spirit of this being the last week (ever), think of three blogging friends of yours whom you've lost contact with, either they deleted their blog, they were forced to delete their blog, you woke up one morning to find their blog deleted against their will, ahem, like me, ahem, Blogger, fuck you Blogger, i lost over 500 followers at my previous blog, i'll never forgive you for that...or the blog is simply the way, there is something surreal and eerie about an abandoned blog, ya feel me? it just sits there, stuck on a date eight months ago, you feel that the author wasn't done expressing her thoughts, there's more to say, that's why it's abandoned and not deleted, it's still there, it still exists, if she can only reach the keyboard again, extricate herself out of the dire situation she is in which is preventing her from posting anew, it leaves her readers with a sense of worry but also sparks the imagination as to where she is now, what she's doing, what she's doing at this very second to get by/live her life.yeah, so instead of the usual five questions which you find here at this time each week, list the 3 blogs/bloggers you miss and explain what made these online people special to you, leave them with a little end-of thank-you note for all that they did for you in coping with whatever in your life. now don't go revealing any aliases or breaking confidentiality agreements or anything, don't go causin' trouble now, keep the anonymous anonymous, this is meant to be a fun game, not a lawsuit. follow my example in the comments section. happy holiday season, my beloved babies. oh, my own future? all signs point to hazy, we'll see what happens with a few of my spoons in the pot this coming month....
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012
1. what is the best thing you received for Crimbus? haven't Crimbussed yet, a mere day away, i'm just hoping i get two lumps in the stocking this time instead of one, that way we can make coal soup. mmmmmmmmm, coal soup. Father Crimbus, what'd you say, huh? make a phoenix's Crimbus wish come true.2. what is the best gift you gave for Crimbus? i'm dreaming...of a White Crimbus...yeah, and we all know what the white's not snow, it's something else, some other fluid...made in bed...3. what is your Crimbus wish? i'm so tired from everything i've had to endure this month, it came at me from all sides, both internal and external, it's a miracle i'm still here, this month has felt like two, i just hope i continue on and it was all worth friends becoming lovers, it can happen, only on The Hub and in my dreams.4. what are your plans for New Year's Eve? i'm taking apart my Doomsday Bunker, selling the extra food rations and gas masks i had packed in there to buy a car so i can drive up the highest mountain and build another Doomsday Bunker just in case the scientists calculated the Mayan date wrong.bonus: how did you, or rather how do you, prepare for the End of the World?: all i can say as a simple response to this little ditty is read my post this Wednesday, it will be the greatest post i ever write...CLICK HERE FOR TMI TUESDAY.
Friday, December 21, 2012
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012
...that's what my mom's mom told her about death when my mom was a little girl......AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, CLICK HERE, RIGHT HERE AT THIS LINK.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
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Monday, December 10, 2012
well, in only a few hours, i go see my dentist, this could be the end, i could die from an infection started at the root of the excruciatingly painful right side of my jaw straight to my already-frenzied brain. funny thing is, i think the woman i'm gonna see is the star of all these local ads around here where i live featuring her and her dentist family, she's quite the babe, so at least she'll be gentle with me when the time comes, i've got that going for me as the time nears.1. during the December holiday season, do you fuck out with another family, chill alone by yourself, kick it with the fam, or go to your secret-rendezvous lover? rendezvous IF IF IF somebody i know responds to my many non-stalkerish non-creepy emails. i use Crimbus to branch out, since i'm alone the rest of the 11 months.2. what is your favorite holiday tradition each year? when i was young, i put on for my parents elaborate Christmas shows full of animatronic, Disneylandesque creatures and characters of my own creation, card games with the fam, candy and cocoa by the fire-break, and we'd end it all with some good Chipmunks holiday music. those were the days. now, well...3. as you walk down the street a hot babe or gorgeous stud with a KISS ME sign is packin' some mistletoe. what's your next move? kiss, fuck, number, never see again4. Santa sent you a frantic email detailing all of the naughty things you did this year as to why you're on the naughty list this year. what were those things? look, it was ONE time, man, let it go, Gramps, Mrs. Claus was shakin' that booty at me, man, i mean, y'know, i'm just a guy...bowl full of my jelly...5. your punishment is that you have to, are forced to, learn about holiday cheer, you're locked in a room and can't get out until you watch an entire film on the subject, no food or water, which movie do you choose? A Christmas Story, It's A Wonderful Life, White Christmas, A Christmas Carol, either the 1938 original or the 1992 Muppets version: all of these films have been blogged to death, but the one thing i like about this question as it is originally on the wordpress site is the links to youtube trailers and clips, that is so ME, without youtube, this blog wouldn't be as colorful as it is, there's already too much black-and-white doom-and-gloom from the author, those exciting links to youtube vids full of others' comments from around the world always color these blog proceedings, don't they? this is a quandary for me, of course i'd have to go with the 1938 original, nothing beats the classics and the FIRST ONES, i have to be a film-critic-historian-asshole on that one, BUT at the same time, we're talking about the Muppets here, Jim Henson, the god of creativity...also, we're talking about the '90s here, which, as everyone knows, was THE decade of original thought and creativity, so...yeah...tough one...bonus: the holidays are hectic, especially on one's teeth, so what do you do to "chill" and "heat things up" during this snow month? i hear ya about the teeth. i want my personal wish to come true, i want a stable lover, not necessarily a stable of lovers, but one plane stable lover, but i suppose i'm still human, so i want my global human wish to come true: peace on earth (until Melancholia hits us), and good will to men (and women, sexy sexy women). that's how i chill, by projecting my tiny problems onto the world with grand beauty-pageant stock answers. things are about to "heat up" for me now, i'm gonna get some unexpected emails from sexy womens from all over the world...god bless us, every head, uh, everyone.CLICK HERE FOR TMI TUESDAY.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Raji was an amazing new type of new kid who perfumed an air of arrogant confidence about him, an air seemingly disproportionate with his state of being new, new kids were supposed to be meek, humble, and at the ready to get beat down. Raji: shortish, short brown hair, thin, but smart, smart enough to be a smart-ass, there was an intellligence in his eyes, but it was mixed with the smugness of his lips when he talked down to people. idunno, looking back, this was just his defense mechanism, this is how he tried to fit in, we are all stupid kids just trying to get by on luck, hope, and smirks.he was 4.0 like me, so shit, i couldn't top him there. our first encounter was as usual as his other encounters with the other students, he sized me up, knew i posed no threat, snickered at my gangly awkwardness and speech impediment, then muttered something to me about free period, i didn't hear him, or i didn't want to, i was no good with social situations much like i am today, so i remained mute, and he probably thought i was a deaf-mute, or dumb, the other definition of dumb, or actually, both definitions of dumb, and with a casual flick of his wrist, he knew he had conquered me, that i was with the nerds/freaks/geeks, and he could leave me to ascend the social ladder.again, this whole situation was quite odd, for Raji wasn't your typical cool kid: he was new, didn't play sports, did well in school, looked like a rat, was a rat, and was an asshole, this was impossible what he was achieving. there was a wall between us all throughout the year which i assumed would stay mortared up forever, and i was quite content with that, i could recede back to being an unknown nobody who wrote in dark journals and had just listened for the first time to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on a used discount-bin cassette tape, two years after everyone else, it changed my life, the others in my class knew about the song and the band, ho-hummed it, and went on. i never went on the same again.well it's Christmas time, and who happens to be at the same altar-boy function as me? yep, Raji and his rich family and pleasant sister. cute happy bubbly sister, i thought, but she was still young, she didn't reflect the rest of the family, hadn't developed bad habits yet, she would probably end up being the white sheep. rich family, i was prepared for more of that trademark Raji arrogance and uppity noses, but the fat dad and pretty mom were nice enough, they talked to me like i wasn't a circus sideshow just because i wore eyeliner. this had to be the magic of Christmas, the time when a beautiful festive lens comes over everything, terrible personality traits smooth off into holiday cheer, and generally, people of different ilk come together for a purpose bigger than their own egos, in this case, caroling to the neighborhood.whatever was going on, i didn't question it, Raji would return to his asshole ways come the stroke of midnight on Jan 1, so this was my one and only time to strike to talk. some of our greatest friends and loves arise and are formed out of the December holiday and winter season, it's the cold in the air that reminds everyone that they are human and the end is near, it's the last month, the last, the final month to make amends before it all ends into something new. friends and bitter enemies join as one over tinsel and nog, they take a break from their acting roles they've been performing on the school stage all year long, they're tired of their jock/bully/cheerleader/mean girl roles, they want to just be, take off their masks and stretch their limbs, sip some hot cider as the stage remains dark all month, closed for, Raji's family, the priest, and i went about our way in our wool scarves and tacky sweaters, walking slowly up and down the row of houses, some were strewn openly with their bright Christmas lights, others were as black and silent and lonely as the night sky. we sang "Hark" and "Silent" and Father even allowed one "Jingle" to the appreciative folks listening to us belt from their front porches, we talked gibberish and the latest Transformers toys in between sips of hot chocolate laced with mini marshmallows...then, we came upon a house that was lit with red, green, and silver, so we commenced with the singing. after the third carol, still no one came out of the door to greet us.Raji turned his head to me and exclaimed, "Must be atheists."i was still new to atheism, i had just begun piecing together what that was, me being the studious Catholic boy all my life, thinking of such things was blasphemous, but i got Raji, i knew what he was saying, and i laughed heartily, it wasn't a fake laugh, i really laughed, and Raji laughed at me, or with me, who knows? i have a strange laugh, we laughed, i snorted out chocolate from my nose, that was the first time i had seen Raji smile, a genuine smile, not a smirk. fuck, that was the first time i laughed uninterrupted and without pause to think about how this would affect my social standing in a long time.i learned a lesson that day...about religious intolerance, false facades, how involuntary laughs tear down social ladders and glue us together, and hot church cocoa...but for the life of me i can't remember it now as i approach this Christmas...can you?.
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