as the messageboards intoned: sure, he was a douche, but he was OUR douche.
let's just hope those flux capacitors get found soon, the time machine is built anew, and the status quo is restored.
Vinny sucks.
1. if you had to be trapped inside a movie for 5 days, which movie would you pick?
i can sum up my life perfectly:
sorry, folks, i'm not feeling good today, i'm in depressed mode, i was minding my own business last night playing dice on the corner in the back where the liquor store butts up against the church when some dude went out of his way to come up to me and call me a garbage ass. my feelings have been hurt ever since.
MOUTH UPDATE: the lower left quadrant hurts like fuck. it seems to be gums, not the teeth. either way, i want the pain to end. i don't care about appearances, no more gold teeth, i just need the damn thing suctioned off forever. whatever you have to do, doc: gel, antibiotics, root-canalling my entire mouth, i'd rather have a hollow mouth and no pain than a bunch of pearly whites and pain. i don't mind Pein from Naruto, but not pain. damn jaw. damn wintry cold weather. damn the torpedoes. drill in my mouth like a torpedo, i want something else in my mouth...
i am on a quest. my ancient forefathers spoke in the dusty tomes about a particular Magic Hole. every man yearns to find this magic hole, every man is not complete in his life without it. the Hole comes to him in his dreams, it comes, it comes on hard, full force, in a roaring, torrential gusher. each man is ultimately an adventurer. in true Joseph Campbell archetypal fashion, each man must make his mark on the world through a hero quest, a long hard arduous journey to find this elusive paradise. once found, the man simply slides into it and as the legend goes: he will find a new perspective on things, and all of his problems will be solved...
1. you cut your sandwich along the diagonal, forming two triangles. do you eat the point or the hypotenuse? i'm an English major, so hypotenuses (hypotenii?) scare me. Mommy, it'll hurt if i swallow...
so, how was everyone's Samhain Party? everyone still with us? nobody died on your watch? me? i think i like my eggs fried rather than raw on my porch. i like toilet paper as much as the next cog, but it really does deserve to be on my tree, it adds that certain winter flocking to the tree, it's an early Christmas gift, and it saves me the chore of having to flock the tree come Festivus, so i thank you all. oh, and i think i've had my fill of Duck Dynasty costumes, that's already done. DuckTales forever is more like it.