Monday, October 3, 2011


so it seems that rob ryan of the cowboys put a pic of diora baird on his play chart (LAST PIC). this is an old story, you've already heard all of the immediate reactions and puns. it must be really FUN to work for ol' rob, he's really DRILLING the message home to his players, there's been an inordinate amount of players needing to go number THREE in the cowboys locker room, etc etc. so, this simply affords me an excuse to post a lot of pics of the voluptuous diora...oh yeah, DIORA THE EXPLORER, that one i sniped from jim rome. yeah, i mean, it's not like i need a concrete excuse to post pics of babes, that's my forte anyway, it's just that it's fitting with recent events. y'know, it's hard to post timely things concurrent with important world events like this, you have to make prudent decisions on cutting the fat and really blogging about the stuff that matters to your readers at a particular moment in time. man, i am so buzzed off the ibuprofen i've been taking, been sick all weekend, my entire body aches, terrible headache, and they ran out of the only medicine that works for me, VANQUISH, man i love those pills. i even had to shower for two straight days because i felt so weak, i haven't done that in decades. i even considered drawing for myself an oatmeal bath, but only if the oatmeal came with cinnamon...and Cinnamon the local Call Girl. the thing is, i don't think even the impossibly full DIORA can save the cowboys' season. i mean, what was that yesterday, huh?! come on!!! you let the once-0-and-16 detroit lions come back on you to win?!, i'm out of it, i feel like brian taking those shrooms on that FAMILY GUY episode last night...i'm like an old ANDY ROONEY giving his last essay, only i think i'm about to deliver my very first essay...



  1. i've said it before and i'll say it again, fake tits are so fucking gross!

  2. Wow! Wow!... I agree with the first comment.

  3. phair: are they fake? this may be the drugs talking, but i believe in this case, they're real...
