Sunday, May 22, 2011


CHICKEN HEADS (BOTTOM PIC): this short was about a boy who lives in rugged, sandy, hilly, mountainous terrain and is enamored with two particular pets, a gazelle and a dog. he lies about what happened to his father's prized sheep, blaming the dog, almost dooming the dog to eat poisoned chicken heads as a fatal punishment. that's one angry father, no? turns out, the dad sprinkled the chicken heads with flour, not poison.

BUNNY (TOP 3 PICS): this short was rugged terrain as well, except this time it's a rough, run-down neighborhood. another tale of a boy and his pet, this time a pet bunny. there's a boy and his oft-acquaintance, a street tough who fakes a badass game but is really just all mushy and crying inside. when the street tough steals the boy's prized bunny, it's on. eventually, the street tough's mother gets in on the act and demands to know why a bunny is in her house. the boy realizes the street tough needs something, ANYTHING to love, so he relents and lets the street tough keep the rabbit.

1. name an experience of yours involving chicken heads.

2. in BUNNY, i loved how the boys would treat their bicycles. when they were at their destination, they brutally slammed down their bikes without a care in the world, as if the bikes were but momentary trash to be thrown away. what prized possession of yours do you find yourself treating badly?



  1. 1. well, there's a certain back room in a dance club in prussia...

    2. i don't clean my bong as well as i could, but that's too pandering. ima gonna go with my computer, i'm always willing to defenestrate it when the slightest error occurs, but i have to realize that without my cyber friends, i don't exist...

  2. 1. I still can't talk about the chicken heads... *twitch*

    2. My little flat - it's a tip at the moment. If only I could find myself a willing and able man servant... ;)

  3. cheeky babes:

    1. i know what you mean, watching those heads for the first time, well, it's a sympathy twitch situation

    2. *fiercely raises hand*, i want to apply for that job! i'll even wear my orange tux...

  4. I saute them with some garlic and rosemary. Very tasty.

    Probably my car. I should clean it and wash it more. This years "Love Bug" infestation was bad. My car's paint has suffered.

  5. nite:

    1. yummy yummy for eternal tummy (inaugural response for this blog!)

    2. the amazing world of detailing, i need a love *bite* to go along with that bug...

  6. 1) I rolled over on a baby chicken and flatened it dead when I was like 14...
    2) My daughter does that to her bikes- me, wellll, I would say "me"

  7. vie:

    1. you can never forget something like that, huh? :)

    2. :O
