Friday, June 9, 2023




* 23 railroad tracks, 23 ridges on a Nintendo Entertainment System greybox cartridge, who knew?...

* landscaping: the most relaxing meditative profession in the world...
landscaper: as long as you don't cut down any trees. all day i'm swimming in bush...

* giant lobsters: better than tiny spiders...

* parlatore: a parliamentarian with a parachute, a parliamentarian paratrooper...
James Bond: ...

* Taylor Swift: i sing better in the rain.
John Fogerty: i play music better in the fog...

* Jaclyn Whittal from The Weather Network: let's face it, Canadian tits are the best tits...
Melissa Maker: ...
Melissa Maker: tits sustain.

* New York City: choked by smoke. the smoke sickness. tastes like a campfire without the marshmallows. eerie glow. pinecones? New York City doesn't have pinecones!!!...
Kate Bolduan: i didn't mean to wear my orange shirt today, i swear...

* Thursdays: not a day for another shower but rather Jacuzzi Day!!!
Doryce: ...
Doryce: Thursdays are when i have the most crust in my eyes...

* cats: we like water fountains...

* groc shop: shopping for grok

* serve the curve: Wes Anderson hot dog pierced by two tines of a fork, no bun

* egg sac: both sex a spider...

* Jacques Pepin: it ain't a French chicken until it's cut with a scissors...

* Holt Hanley at Carmel Surf Shop: i miss the June Gloom...

* reporter with big furry fuzzy Muppet-hair microphone jogging alongside Boris Johnson: Sir Boris, do you have a comment? don't puncture my mic.
Boris Johnson jogging in the British woods: no, no comment, i'm jogging not running away. i've quit being an MP so i can do my Olympic jogging full-time. i'm gonna make the team for the Paris Olympics next year...

* Lucio: never say your phone number out loud to the check-out girl at the plastic cash register of your favorite grocery store, that's how the spam calls start...

* Trent Reznor: remember the wait between The Downward Spiral and The Fragile? it was only 5 years but it felt like 50 years...

* Candace Bailey: i could come out of retirement and steal all of Dianna Agron's parts!!!

* at the Cook's Country grill.
Bridget Lancaster: boning? i be boning you?
Morgan Bolling: what? my name is Morgan Bolling.
Morgan Bolling: oh no, Bridget, i'm not spreading the roast beef with my fingers for you again...

* Mickey Mouse: how is the mousepad more expensive than the mouse?...

* Willi Ninja: i look like Richard Pryor which is perfect because we were both innovators.

* Yahoo: it's a weird name, right? it's a strange name for a company...

* Leslie Sbrocco: watch me on Channel 9. it's called Nip & because you nip at the foods on totems, you're supposed to just nibble at all the colorful food arranged on flat concentric stainless-steel silver rings around the hotel. the wine is the star of the party. the real star of the party is the pineapple waterfall. for years it was called Devour & Vacuum...

* Einstein Jr.: there are 547,209 different Whopper combinations that are possible. if Relativity holds. which it doesn't, nice try, pops. i am Albert Einstein's son, right?

* Colin Kaepernick: yeah i'm doing the Peloton commercial, can't get work. i've been reduced to an old granny twerking her wrinkly butt in my face.
woman with cross around her neck: Peloton is not an elite cult...

* French neighbor on a moonlit night on the second story overlooking the Seine: Mia, can you send me that?
Mia: why is your accent Japanese and not French? which pic?
French neighbor: the Squid Game one.
Mia: nobody watches that anymore. nobody knows what that IS anymore...

* YouTube TV: more than cable. basketball. as in 3 balls. 3 basketballs, not 2, Steph. your remote control needs to have a trackball in it or nothing will work...

* Arnold Schwarzenegger: i'm the new CEO of Netflix. here, there is no Writers' Strike. all action movies here, all action all the time. it's gonna be a continuous loop of Suburban Commando because i owe Hulk Hogan a favor, he didn't talk about my dad and i didn't talk about his sex tape. here, my action-y samurai sword slices only butter and sushi in half. here, Season 7 of Tuca & Bertie is being drawn as i speak...

* Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Hemsworth in an elevator.
Chris: i'll be back.
Arnold: i'm a writer, Jim Cameron thought that line would be shit. i gave a lifeless AI robot killing machine a soul, a heart, feelings, think about that...
Chris: hasta la vista, baby.
Arnold: don't say that, it's not Cinco de Mayo.
Chris: get to the choppa.
Arnold: are you making fun of my accent? you have an accent, too, you know. i wasn't talking about a helicopter, i was talking about my dear friend Bruce Lee's karate.
Chris: not El Chapo? this is me i'll leave now...

* Kia Carnival: when you've just had a baby with C3PO and you need to show off the little chrome tyke to the rest of Burning Man.

* Chevrolet Trax: when you need to take that miniature you did of the proposed stone megacity in that live-action Flintstones movie with John Goodman and Halle Berry, you need to take this to the beach, it's a millennial thing, you wouldn't understand.

* Toyota Prius: the Who Framed Roger Rabbit car...

* Kia Telluride.
man: i just drove this thing through a fucking concrete construction drainage pipe!!! where's my flower i chew the petals of and can shoot fireballs from my fingers?
Wes Anderson bellhop bellboy with Andy Warhol blond hair: hate to break this to you but Mario never grows in size, it's all in Mario's head, he's on drugs the whole time.
man: that is sublimely depressing. i'm a puddlehopper in the Los Angeles River.
bellhop: you drive a Honda Civic?  Wes Anderson scripts are all about puddlejumpers of various sorts. how can there be a puddle in the Los Angeles River?
man: i can't drive down snow mountains anymore, i need to be on skis shooting a pistol.
James Bond: that's not as fun as it looks, you have to get the timing just right. and i had to do it alone, Lindsey Vonn refused to be a Bond Girl...

happy weekend, my babies.

an existential question posed to me on Carnaby Street: do i spend the money now on ribeye burgers at Jack in the Box? or do i save the money and spend it later on a Chromebook wireless mouse and an at-home earwax removal kit?...

the name of the Carnaby street wizard was E. coli.


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