Monday, July 4, 2022



1. what is the most ambitious work you've done in the past five years? memorizing WiFi passwords without permanently alienating family members...

also, despite continuing failing health, keeping up with these weekly stories of mine, they're fun to write on Wednesdays cos it's nice and breezy and i have all leisurely day, a little more newspaper-deadline and tight-anusy on Tuesdays. my butt starts to sweat on Tuesdays cos i gotta do the groceries at The Store as well before midnight. 

2. what is the biggest risk you've taken in your life? writing stories that i know will never get published but i do it because it's fun and therapeutic to write. i mean are Instagram NFTs actual real money? if it all ends up just being a big large long personal diary, i'm okay with that...

3. what do you do when no one is watching? cry to the Greek goddess of pleasure Hedone why i can't get mine, why i don't get any and she has all the fun. i promise to pray to her harder, both meanings. i promise to dance at Olive Gardens more wearing a lettuce wreath on my head. i tried to reach Voluptas at her apartment but she wasn't home...

4. how do you get attention? Instagram. it's not working...

5. who do you stalk on the internet? my future ex-friends...

BONUS: what did you watch last night? i binged ALL of Felicity. finally. finally Felicity. the show JJ Abrams did right before Lost, you can see the sci-fi elements in both. time travel and such, alternate timelines. i love the concept: a girl spur-of-the-moment upends her entire future by suddenly changing colleges cos she sees a cute guy on the street who's going to that other college. that's how i make life-altering decisions in my life, too. but what the hell ever happened to Scott Speedman?!!! where the fuck is Scott Speedman now? what the shit happened to that dude?!!! where'd he go? you'd think he'd be perfect to play The Flash. i haven't seen Scott Speedman, America's hunk, the man with those eyes and that hair and that college-track scholarship, in 20 years...

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