Monday, April 11, 2022



it's raining outside and i LOVE it. even thundering, but that's not good enough for Jim Cantore to show up here for his sting...

watch the Pink Floyd "Money" music video again, it's more relevant TODAY than when it came out which is impossible. the boys are doing a new song for Ukraine, their first new song in 50 years!!! the body withers but the music never dies...

1. could you fall in love and set up home with someone who was $100000 in debt?

yes. because i've been there. somebody reached out their hand for money and to help me up from the street when i was in a bad way. i bet $100000 to my corner bookie that American Pharoah would win the Triple Crown. the horse did.........but Bob Baffert "left" the horse business suddenly so i had to pay a mob boss by the name of Ricky Gervais. 

to pay that debt i bought $100000 in poker chips. but i never learned to play poker. sure i could play poker with my dad with the Hoyle book from the library but not as a pro job. you need a green visor for that. deuces and one-eyed Jacks are still wild, right?

my last chance to recoup the cash in a brown bag was i opened up my own Gamblers Anonymous. but the debtors came for me when i refused to have anything other than landlines in the office.

2. is it important for you to be the breadwinner or make more money than your significant other?

i need to make all the bread. luckily i learned how to make bread during the pandemic. except the whole sourdough thing i never understood that. how do you make bread sour? and then i looked at my mother-in-law's recipe...

3. are you happy with your chosen career path? could it be better? this is a sore subject for me cos.........i don't have a career.

i'm stuck. i don't know where to start. what's the FIRST step, you know? how do i make my entree into the business. get my Vans-shoe foot in the door. turns out you need at least 500 people to make a movie. i used to find these people on the street. but all those people are gone now.

i think i'm gonna have to do what i've been most dreading to do, bite the bullet and go to film school. or art school. some school in Berkeley. i mean that's where i'm gonna find my people, my specific people, the ones who have the same interest, the same like hive mind, the ones who will actually help me with my film projects cos they want to make cool little shorts, too. they'll act in my plays and i'll act in theirs. like imagine Steven Spielberg acting in George Lucas's final-exam project at USC. Steven plays Yoda back when Yoda was a huge tall space alien drinking a bottle of bourbon on a planet's surface in an ill-fated Muppets sketch on SNL's first season...

the only good news out of this is i get to search for Jen Pizarro again up there...

4. would you start a business with your significant other?

of course. those are the only couples who last. think of all the great husband-wife business-partner teams in history!!! Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo!!! Elton and Taupin!!! Liz and Lancaster!!! Wham!!! Bert and Ernie!!! Mrs. Fields from Mrs. Fields Cookies and Cookie Monster!!! Frank Vogel and Jeanie Buss!!!

i was in a partnership with Elizabeth Holmes. this was back in the day when no one knew her name and she called ME holmes. we were two crazy college kids at a dorm in Berkeley. we made a blood pact that night after Homecoming in our bunkbed. life plans over shots of Hungarian bourbon. we became blood brothers that night.

the blood pact was Elizabeth really wanted to make a Harry Potter movie where Johnny Depp uses magic to replace his missing finger...

BONUS: can money buy you love?

yes. everyone needs seed money or the dream remains a dream. venture capitalists aren't scary, they're just vultures in human form. my idea i'm thinking a Chuck E. Cheese where the animatronic animals on stage sing only Beatles songs...

that shouldn't be too expensive, right?

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