Monday, July 12, 2021


or is that Aquaman?

1. does your sex life need some fantasy? what kind of fantasy?

definitely not the Legend of the Seeker kind! been there done that! really it's my LIFE that needs the fantasy. i am lost, back to square one after all these years searching, i have no idea what to do next:

-do i finish school and become a university troll who does blogs under the bridge?
-do i move back to Los Angeles and start auditioning again. but the only part i ever get is a space orc who gets peed on by Seth MacFarlane
-or do i finally bite the bullet and enter the most prestigious film school in all the planet, USC. if i had done this 50 years ago i would have gotten Spielberg Lucas's autograph before they became famous, i take them round the back of the brick college building and whisper in their ear about the prototype of a time-traveling car i'm working on...

2. what is eroticism for you?

drugs. mixed with the burning lights of a Requiem For A Dream New York pier plank holding the weight of a ferris wheel up from the corrosive ocean at pink day. mixed with the dank strip club/poetry slam from 1994's Exotica.

3. you are invited to a kink party, will you go?

no, i prefer the Beatles 

4. your lover has tied your naked body down. what do you want to happen next?

a) you get tickled mercilessly:

i can only get tickled by a toe not by an ostrich feather

b) you are covered in whip cream and the people lick the cream entirely from your naked body:

referee! referee here! i'm calling for the VAR, we need Brian and Stewie Griffin here to judge!

c) bind blind and tease your erogenous zones with an ice cube, feather, candle wax, tongue, etc.:

Ice Cube and Madonna. think about it for a minute. perfect match. Gene Simmons stole the tongue thing from Yoshi.

d) a sex toy is used to penetrate you to orgasm:

this is how it went down at this year's Hall of Fame:

Lleyton Hewitt: COME ON! i have sex, too!
Goran Ivanisevic: with a tennis ball? you're too short to have sex.
Lleyton: it's not fair we got clumped together in the same class! 
Goran: it's okay, buddy.........can i put my arm around you little buddy...
Lleyton: NO!
Goran: look, the film Wimbledon was based on my Wimbledon run, you don't have that do you.
Lleyton: no. and when i walked through these hallowed doors the first thing i saw was a scale. it's just not fair to me, man! *cries blubberingly on Goran's shoulder* come on.

5. in your sex life do you go along with whatever your partner wants and needs or when necessary do you handle things to make sure you have thrilling sex?

i do whatever my partner needs, i'm not a selfish lover, i will Batman-lick her Catwoman pussy, that's canon. sometimes i admit it's hard to know what she wants. i do all the handling of things and the sliding in of the silver U2 Bono disc. you see......... lover is a ghost

BONUS: when is the last time you purchased a sex toy? what did you buy? was it purchased online or at a store?   

it was a French tickler from that cute little tiny boutique scalene store made of glass booths in downtown NYC from the film 9 1/2 Weeks



  1. 1: Any. Throw ‘em this way.
    2: A Biscotti Ice cream
    3: Of Course - it’s blog material
    4:Force fed pizza
    5: Always the steering wheel
    BONUS: At a sore. It’s imperative to try and get into a surreal conversation with the retail staff.


  2. I liked the Kinks. My ex-wife liked the Beatles. I was never a fan. Currently, my sex life needs a partner.

  3. missed ya, mah dahlin!!!
    1. let's make a movie together!
    2. that's the one with the model who eats the ice-cream bar in one bite whole
    3. is this going on your blog? classic comic
    4. it gets kinky when its French bread pizza
    5. teach me your methods, my sweet, your ways, your techniques
    BONUS: like that last Tuca & Bertie episode

    bath: for me it's the Stones, i don't have anything against the Stones i just never got into them. also, me and the WWF...

  4. *it gets kinky when it's French bread pizza... *)

  5. Requiem For A Dream : A delicious and pure distillation of human suffering. On the upside, I do believe Lola often attended Beatles parties so you win the twofer award with that answer.

  6. smu: Requiem For A Dream: one of our masterpieces in film history we can cherish forever. the last film i saw before my breakdown, my last film in normal genteel society. after this and Pi i was in love with the director. and that Jennifer Connelly train doesn't hurt, either.
