Monday, March 15, 2021


Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!

1. if you pay someone to do one chore what would it be? make the entire world socialist

2. if i gave you $1000000, how much would you give to charity?

all of it. then i'd open up my own chain of Dollar Stores where stuff was ACTUALLY one dollar or under cos i wouldn't charge tax. well okay tax on only two items: a Birth of Venus Botticelli original in its original frame signed by Noah Cyrus, and the real phone number of Tom Brady signed by Giselle not with a signature but with her lipstick-kiss imprint on the slip of paper

3. what is the most annoying thing your current or past partner does with money?

makes paper airplanes out of it that hit me in the forehead. while i'm trying to vote for Soledad O'Brien to be our next President...

Soledad O'Brien will bring the luck of the Irish to our world that so badly needs to recover... 

4. what is something you bought as a couple but would be embarrassed for your parents to know?

fake marriage license

5. what money-related thing have you hid from your significant other? that i don't got any

BONUS: if you received a million dollars would you tell people? why or why not?

only on reddit. cos i work for the California Lottery...



  1. 1: To pay someone to pay everyone else to do all my chores.

    2: Lots.

    3: Spends it.

    4: Shares in care homes

    5: My millionaire status

    BONUS: No. *)

  2. 1. two words: Melissa Maker

    2. two words: small business

    3. i spent my stimmy on hookers and blow

    4. i've needed a care home since birth

    5. knew it

    BONUS: California has drone security

    love you, mah dahlin *)

  3. The irony of paying someone to make the world socialist is not lost on me, but I fear your fixation on the inherent injustice Dollars Stores may be need to be looked into.

  4. smu: i've been assigned a nice man for my therapy. the room's a little cramped, and i have to wear a cage over my face for the rats, but he's a nice man...
