Monday, February 22, 2021


1. what food did you eat so much of that now you hate it?

this question makes me very sad. it has forced me to reflect, recollect, and realize. you see i used to LOVE Abuelita, it was that very specific brand of hot-cocoa mix only found in the backalleyways of Mexico. i shared it with my mother in our cocina, me wearing her apron. it stirred in me images of my Aztec ancestors and grandmas waiting for me at the bus stop in the forest with Sweeter Coke and spicy Pulparindo in their satchels they wore around their backs. it's not just another gas-station hot chocolate with the gas nozzle tipped with whipped cream, it's special ancient glorious frothy gingerbready Down Under chocolat!  

something happened, i lost the taste for Abeulita. all the joy pumped out of me.

same with top ramen. i don't know what happened, i lost the taste for it one day. i used to slurp that stuff down like it was catnip, i ate pounds and pounds of it at a time, especially the Chicken flavor. but then my tongue stopped liking it. i think this has to do with me not being in college anymore, you can only enjoy ramen if you're in a dorm...

2. what two films would you like to combine into one? 

Star Wars and Star Trek. i wanna see Data fight Chewbacca. i wanna see Patrick Stewart make fun of Darth Vader for not having a British accent after all...

i wanna see Princess Leia Amazon-position fuck Spock. let's see if Spock can maintain his composure throughout that...

which two songs do i combine? "We Didn't Start The Fire" and "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)", i dare you, i DARE you to sing that combined song by heart without looking at the lyrics...

3. what song do you feel compelled to sing along with when you hear it even if you don't know all the words?

"Bohemian Rhapsody", especially when i stick my head out of a stationwagon. or it's the last song of the night at karaoke bar. 

you know what's weird? "Bohemian Rhapsody" wasn't popular at all when it first came out, it only became the global megahit it is today after it was on Wayne's World...

and there are kids right now who only know of Wayne's World because of the Uber Eats commercial...

4. what is the weirdest place you have ever slept? Starbucks...

5. who is the weirdest person you have ever slept with? why:

Jack Tripper. because it was the '70s, the last decade of casual sex, and i thought we were gonna keep things casual. but before i knew it i was his roommate...

BONUS: what do you think you do better than 90% of people? think


  1. I used to love graham crackers, but they stopped making them good. They replaced the cinnamon sugar with cheap corn syrup, so now I hate them.

  2. hey i'm with you on that. yeah in the '80s i devoured the cinnamon-sugar ones. but then they became too doughy and starchy in my mouth so i gave up graham crackers and camping altogether. but i still love to down bottles of McCormick cinnamon-sugar on their own
