Friday, January 8, 2021



* it is Off The Air, if this isn't dreams i don't know what is

* i just noticed something: whenever i do these Friday Night Writes, i'm always surrounded by a huge swirling audiodrome of noise all around me. the cracked walls in my cabin literally shake. i thought it was from my hard typing but it's actually from everyone in the city, and neighboring Sunside Village, all racing in their various vehicles to get the FUCK outta Dodge. out of the confines of the industrial sector off work and into a mountain stream uphill, everyone is ready for the weekend AT 4!!!

* Russian girl, big tits, questionable age, Putin was elected to put a stop to this...

* this is actually Emilia Clarke. it's been ROUGH since they did her dirty on Game of Thrones...

* The Grammys did The Weeknd dirty, but at least he won for this song and dance...

* don't be scared, girl, it's just Halloween at Knott's Berry Farm...

* see, nothing to be afraid of, all that smoke you saw rise over the hills was smoke-machine smoke for the alien disco. all those strange lights were the tricolor disco-ball lights

* Jedi have to be good dancers to survive...

* Martina Hingis on car cam: so since the sport of tennis dried up...

* if you look at the hieroglyphics very closely, they predict their empire would be felled by twerking butts...yeah see that's not a harvest peach on the wall...

* remember, the aliens think WE are the aliens...

* my CVV number is 000

* how X-Files should have ended...

* eye soup, tastes surprisingly good. as long as you don't look at it...

* what's McDonald's new revamp logo gonna be? the Yellow W Wario?...

* The Pirates of Dark Water, come on, guys, just finish those remaining episodes...

* it's that early MTV cartoon about the dude at the shrink office with the ginormous head, cept it's a hand on his head

* that one time they made Cheetara a man...

* Videodrome knife wound slit down the middle split down the middle of the stomach...

* blue sit-up guy: when's Ballmasterz coming back...

* map of the new United States...

* that thing where you eat from a woman's naked's more accepted in elf culture...

* okay THANK YOU THANK YOU FINALLY a cartoon character who's actually wearing a mask!!!

* covid coquito on the radio...

* it's true, celebrities have it the easiest...

* that squirt and windshield-wipe always comes at the worst time...

* son: i touched my nose!
mom: it's okay, you have two noses

* bearded Barba leaning on the NYPD Safety Zone blinking sign: people didn't watch the episode for me, they watched it for Jennifer Esposito...

* and this is why Camus thought boxing was inhuman...


* Snuffy from Sesame Street did NOT fare well during the pandemic...

* the Thanksgiving turkey's mad and it ain't gonna take it no more. it's so angry it's phlegmatic, ALL PHLEGM!!!

* how Power Rangers should be

* once again, Jean-Claude Van Damme's got nice legs...

* Sully, delayed reaction, finally goes mad...

* Snoop Dogg, for the parody only one g in Dog

* girls, run, we're in a Robert Crumb cartoon!!!

* Bad Human=oxymoron?

* Tofu Chan: remember anime dogs? remember a time when tofu was considered good?...

* Kubrick: give me a bone to work with, dog.
Tofu Chan: fractals...
John Green: turtles?
Tofu Chan: no, bread...

* Tofu Chan: the bread looks split in half at the top because fractals. yes, i am voiced by that French comedian...

* see? bald fat white dudes can be gentle.
Mr. Clean: i just wanted to clean the world...

* cats in pajamas taken to the next logical step...

* moral of the story: dreams are not the same as getting stoned...

happy weekend, my babies

TOMORROW: ain't got time for bird sex! ain't got time for bird food! i need a MEAL FOR THE MOUTH!!! a feast. i need ALL THE FOOTBALL to distract me from the world burning down. i'm going to Wario's for some party nachos with beefs and jalapenos...  


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