Monday, December 28, 2020


1. what is the dumbest thing you are reading and writing right now? (uh-huh, i know what you're thinking...:P)

my conservative friend is tugging on my shirttail right now and BEGGING me to say The Fountainhead...

there is no dumb reading. if you're reading you're winning life. from the gold Zelda booklet to a manual on how to install an IKEA faucet without bolts, to Malcolm Gladstone's take on DuckTales to The Idiot by Dostoevsky.........i mean maybe a biography of Charlie Sheen or something...

my writing is an acquired taste, you basically have to be crazy to enjoy it...

2. if you were to start your own country who would sing your national anthem? Rosanne Barr. but only after she is given her show back and changes the ending of the original from a dream to a mental-institution thing...

3. if you were to be eaten by an animal of your choice (and you will die), what animal will eat you? why?

Robert Pattinson. cos he needs the work

definitely the baleen whale from Pinocchio. cos that would FEEL SO GOOD!!! as you're sliding down the slippery black hole to eternity you get tickled on all sides of your body by the biggest toothbrush in the universe!

4. what word makes you smile? Olympics

5. what word makes you cringe? content. as in internet content...

BONUS: will you board the love train?

no, i'm not qualified for that. for many years the only train that would take me was The Polar Express but it only came around when the tracks were frozen so it never moved. then one day the Infinity Train picked me up, saved my life, and i've been living that reality ever since...



  1. Funny thing about the Polar Express. If one set of tracks freeze it helps to have another set. That's why I am bi-Polar. Cheers and Happy New Year.

  2. What is the love train of today anyway?

  3. smu: and sir that is why you have been named the new Conductor of Infinity Train!!! with this position comes ULTIMATE POWER!!!

    bath: now that i look at the question again i should have said Ozzy's "Crazy Train"...
