Friday, December 4, 2020




* everyone forgets about Yaddle...

* Yoda to Grogu: why you got anime eyes tho?...

* i mean talk about the luckiest man in the world. this dude gets the illustrious sublime Amanda Bynes on the way down. he snatches her up when she's down and out and vulnerable. Bynes The Sublime with all the new face markings and the dusty bro by chance at the same rehab meeting at the same time...

* Lars von Trier: double planet? i know, i predicted it. in Denmark there is no Simpsons, only me... 

* Gamestop on ispot, it's confusing

* customer: is this the line for the new Ninja Gaiden?
clerk: haven't heard that name in ages...
customer: i just care about the original one, the arcade one, that first cutscene...

* customer: it's required for you to work here to have blueberry hair, right?
clerk: nah, just really into The Smurfs. just wish there were more male Smurfs, you know?...
customer: blue is my natural hair-color...

* customer: what's with the heavy chain round your neck, into S&M, too?
clerk: that's for my dog Lucy who recently died...
customer: sorry, man. we can kid around cos we're both Democrats and can have fun again...

* is that a poster of Moz? Morrissey?
no that's a poster of Lou Reed!!!

* old lady by the patio pool: *SCREAMS*
husband: it's just an oculus, woman!
old lady: let me have this, Harold! you called me a Munchkin in bed. you said i couldn't call you Wild Thing at the point of orgasm...

* couple in car:
man: yeah i mean it's weird. it's cool that my chick likes video games like i do. but you like the sports ones and always beat me when we play, you've made video games not fun anymore...
woman: at least you still look like Kylo Ren on a ladies' show...

* bodybuilder: what am i doing? i could lift more iron and drink more shakes and get biceps the size of double planets, but i'll never be strong, Baby Yoda is strong cos he has strong thoughts... 

* Yoda: okay i lied. i never lifted a weight in my life, i just floated the witticisms are still valid tho...

* shot glasses, the perfect way to get kids into Super Mario...

happy weekend, my babies

TOMORROW: fam i don't want to get catfished. not again. i don't know what to do. it's history repeating itself. this isn't the fish fillet this is the big one. i look at the McDonald's website and they say they have the MCRIB back!!! but this is what happened the last time, they said they had it on the national menu but when i went to my local McDonald's by the seashore they had no idea what i was talking about...

you know the exact same thing's gonna happen again...


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