Friday, August 14, 2020



* PICTURED ABOVE: teachers getting ready for Fall.

that Joker joke courtesy of Instagram this week...sometimes it pulls through...caption tho...

* wait so this addresses the conspiracy, except there is no conspiracy. i let tv and film be my guide, not the internet. like that recent SVU episode which addressed this...oh yeah, but, now i'm not into SVU fact was NEVER into SVU, just watched it cos it was the last Law & Order ember left...don't want to get sucked into the new Meloni show and have that be my new religious experience going forward week-to-week...

* in this case it's really not tongue-shaped provolone, it's cocaine balls. El Chapo kept the Chapo contraband in his socks, his socks fluffed out into perfect little balls by his bed. the local villagers would often comment on how laundered the man always was about town. this was the only town in Mexico not with a town drunk in the one-cell stone jail, not a drop of alcohol was permitted on the premises thanks to Chapo... 

* clowns: silly or scary? that's a feint, a red herring, that's dodging the issue!

* clown 2: i'm not the scary one, i got a black balloon...

* back in the '70s Chuck E Cheese himself extended his paw no when asked if his establishment needed clowns for a party atmosphere:

Chuck: people say it's creepy enough in here, i say it's just a lot of insulation fluff in the air-vents, keeps the place hot for the pizzas to cook.

Charles Barkley: i can attest, i had a pizza near here once...

* clown 1: do you want a hug?
clown 2:
me: i swear i thought he gave him the middle finger...

* remember when bagel bites were CRAZY popular in the '80s? the talk of the town along ZIMA. see they were the new thing at AYSO jug breaks and Chuck E Cheese pizza parties. and your dad's corporate meeting at the Indio timeshare for that matter. this was the new thing that finally fit in the microwave, this was all the RAGE, people couldn't believe it! nobody had ever combined these two things before! The Bagel Bakery owes its very existence to that first party animal who created these and then skydived off the slope of the Bob's Big Boy statue's hair. that's the only statue which remains standing today...

* Kamala Harris: he was an albatross around my neck.
Willie Brown: you'd have to ask her.

that is such a Willie Brown answer, i love Willie Brown, i love Willie Brown so much, that's MY mayor, my mayor...of my second adopted city...

* Montel Williams: on the next my show, we'll have Sylvia Browne...
Kamala: dear, nah, bad idea, she has some startling warnings about this coming election...

happy weekend, my babies

TOMORROW: ……...i forgot...…...i can't remember……...


my whole house is covered every window with closed drapes. this is not what an aspiring actor wants to see everywhere in front of his face, the curtains drawn on him...

i need to start gallivanting the globe with my special someone. my world woman! first stop, PLEASE first stop: that Iceland pond that's a big bathtub with the cold mud...

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