Friday, August 7, 2020



* have you scrolled a youtube comments section lately? white people are TERRIFIED of not being at the top of the totem pole on Earth anymore. they are spazzing out, they can't psychologically handle it that they're not the big race anymore. everything in the world is a deep Illuminati plot designed specifically to eradicate them. as if they're that special to pay attention to in the first place. but don't worry, they got Jesus and the children on their side. their arguments are the droolings of some Aryan child choking on its pacifier in the foxwoods. here's the kicker: and then they without any guile actually follow stars thinking their against-the-grain alt-right edginess will be attractive to Hollywood actresses and starlets. it is fucking HILARIOUS. and i'm white!

* idiot youtube mob: why didn't fun in their video for "Some Nights" go against the Hollywood grain and have the Confederacy win the Civil War?
Charlie Chaplin: oh i don't know, maybe cos nobody wants to be associated with a loser?

* idiot youtube mob: you're a Nazi sympathizer! and yet somehow you're ALSO a communist!
Phoenix: how's that work?
Charlie: the same way Trump cucks think they're edgy.

* idiot youtube mob: what does this have to do with coffee?
Charlie: you're right, you especially should try tea.


* the smog highlights the prettiness of the sunset...

* HBO has transformed Sesame Street into The Birds...

* human beings USED to be like that

* Andre Agassi: my wife and i were having problems in bed. this product saved our marriage! made me blow my top!
Steffi Graf: no, dear, this isn't for Hawaiian cruises...

* female shepherds choose Lavazza.
girl: i was an ordinary girl. in this fucked-up world. but i stepped into a Cult Taco and drank their coffee. suddenly i get an Instagram DM from Skrillex telling me to meet him in Sweden...

* the Earth USED to be able to provide for everyone. 
Bubblegum Crisis girls: please let's not do that again.
Trader Joe: i'm the only outpost on the planet that still sells coffee. we only got the red coffee...

* Mulder: i drank Lavazza and stopped dribbling. so the aliens cleared the cornfields to make huge murals of little girls?

* Scully: where's Sam!!?

* before the cornfields turn to clouds! quick, swim in that pool before the skateboarders get there! get the last mint truck on the lot!

* that black woman should definitely be the new Athena for the Olympics next year...

* so that ALL may fuck! not just the covid-party kids but those freaky grandmothers at Bakers Square!

* Charlie: oh forget it, humans. just learn to fly! start over! on another planet! all the doves have already flown away anyway! 

* make the streets safe for Naked Athena to roam again!

* for all love! even the love of ballet! for pre-Hamilton Lin-Manuel! make Siamese Twins also a dance move!

* Charlie: i've waited all my life! how much longer must i wait! when will humans take the next step! ! AM READY FOR BICENTENNIAL MAN!!!

* Charlie: OKAY! not quite Major Motoko but i like the six-hands human, very Indian.

* not falling foam, actually the brown ash cascading from the erupting volcano...

happy weekend, my babies

TOMORROW: just to stick it to historical losers i'm gonna try the neapolitan pizza. it's just like pizza. cept for all the cloves of capers everywhere. cos it was made at a seaside village or something. i'm just in it for the square cheese.   

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