Monday, November 11, 2019


1. do you think taking a break in a relationship works? have you taken a break? why do you say it worked or did not work.

i have. i never want to, she's the one who always asks for a break. but it always ends up haleful for the both of us. we can recharge our batteries. and my cyberbrain in my case. yes, in my latest case i quite enjoyed it. i was able to get out and walk around the yard. i had a KitKat chocolate bar as i talked to the bird on my shoulder. the bird talked back. i fucking LOVE wafer! and when i turned a corner lo who should appear but Keanu Reeves. this was during his Sad Keanu Period so i talked with him like i did the bird and Keanu smiled for the first time in five years. i'd like to think it was me but it was the KitKat.

2. what is your ideal "break" in a relationship?

a) stay monogamous but relax expectations and time on each other
b) we can see other people but not if we're Power Rangers
c) we can sex other people
d) take a break but no discussion about parameters

the kind of break where we realize we are friends first and will always remain so. the sex part is supposed to enhance it all, not complicate things, you know? we gotta take a step back, take a deep collective breath more than a break, and realize we like each other. we do like each other, right? and then one day you'll get that phone call from Mainland about finally wanting to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure together. and we laugh and dance to Jodeci's "Freek'n You"...

3. currently, how many healthy relationships do you have? how may unhealthy or toxic relationships do you have?

one. with my many voices who all take turns watching A Current Affair together

also one. with Burger King. not cos of all the grease, cos Jack In The Box can get quite jealous. you know who's under that Jack mask? Vic Mignogna, he's suing cos the whole Jack Bobblehead thing is copyrighted from that girl from Dr. Stone, Suika.

4. are there limits to your sexual creativity? i am unbound by my creativity, as all humans are. well they should be. let your freak flag fly. erryday, twice on Sundays. everyone should tap their creative potential (and their crush)---which is limitless potential---and everyone should become either a writer or an actor or a painter of llamas. speaking of, everyone should experiment with golden showers at least once in their hammock just to see if they like it, trust me.

5. what one item in this life do you want to take to the afterlife? (for the purposes of this question assume there IS an afterlife):

a camera. right? have you ever seen an Instagram snap come from Heaven uploaded or downloaded ANYWHERE online? to ANY feed whatsoever? ANY image from the other side? not even on the Dark Web? no you haven't, which is worrying...…

BONUS: what life-altering thing should every human ideally get to experience at least once in their life?

marrying your celebrity crush. for one day...



  1. My kid keeps wanting me to watch Jojos Bizzare Adventure, and my Master likes it. I have tried, but I just cannot like it. When the dog got killed, that was just too much. And then they are playing football together, which made no sense. Someone kills your dog? You kill them and there is no other way. Or am I thinking of a different show and rambling senselessly?

  2. ancilla: it's a great anime. yeah it's bro culture but it's also making fun of bro culture. it's novel that they fight not with their fists but with their Stands. the Stands' abilities and powers are so out there it's psychedelic. and their clothes and hairstyles are so fabulous. it's all a big crazy grand farce.

    but you're right, the original author of the manga has some deep-seated fear of dogs or something cos it always comes up in his work. like a dog bit him when he was a kid and he never forgot. it's the same with me with Lars von Trier, I LOVE Lars, he's absolutely brilliant, but I HATE what he does with animals to make a point.

    for me, the first season is still my love-jones huckleberry cos it was all still so new with the bragging and the wildness and the magic. tho Golden Wind is getting off to a great start...
