Friday, November 16, 2018



* this is when the season suddenly turns and i wake up each morning at 5:30 bitter breathy dust with chills up my spills. with my foursquare blanket crumpled up in my mouth and my hands continuously frozen with liquid dripping from my cuticles and yet i still forge on and forget i still have to type today...and so i i always type, i will forever matter what...seemingly till the end of time

* Scratched In The Head. not on the head, in the head

* Joy Non-Division: joy gained from bringing everyone together, everyone deserves to have fun

* Joyride Division: Ian Curtis's last ride......into the ether…

* Cobain girl in open plaid shirt: you got the moneygram? direct account from your parents? an Instagram moneygram DM? into your bank account with the push of a button?
guy: yeah, why do you ask?

* girl: got your sunglasses on?
guy: just made it getting them on inside.

* ironically the gas station is quite '60s hipster throwback with the deco neon lights and big triangular shapes that are more bulky than pointy. a very Warhol water closet.

* girl: hey man, got the Corolla all pumped?
third wheel: oh yeah, it's pumped to get out there on the midnight streets with the neon yellow and cause mayhem and havoc.
girl: no but is it filled with gas?
third wheel: i thought gas was dirty to us. this isn't electric? i thought i saw green fumes coming from it.
girl: i'm just gonna say it out front, i like the black dude better than you. not cos he's black, cos he's more fun.
third wheel: this car has three wheels...

* third wheel: BURN RUBBER!
girl: no, dude, we're running, we don't have the car here.
third wheel: i thought we were gonna fly like on a suncloud or something like Goku, cos Corolla equals corona equals sun equals corazon.
girl: as long as it doesn't equal Solara.
guy: here, man, take these pills, will instantly make you forget you're unloved by making you think we're your parents.

* third wheel: why do these dogs hate us?
girl: we fed them the Rachael Ray dog food! run! run, they are pissed!
girl trips over herself and does a wheelie.
girl: my parents are so disappointed in me, they wanted me to be Bruce Jenner.
third wheel: mean by that...?
girl: in gymnastics.
guy: or in the makeup sense.

* girl: go go go!
guy: can't, the car stalled, it's raining outside.
girl: we've waited so long in this getaway car the dogs' tongues have wiped away all the drops from our shields.

* nurse: stop running in the halls!
hoodlums: sorry. but we have our hall passes.
nurse: are you racing with a wheelchair!?
girl: but i broke my arm. which i did deliberately so i could paint the cast aquamarine like my favorite Pokemon.
nurse: how did you break your arm?
girl: wheelchair-racing.
Nurse Ratched: that wheelchair is needed. your mother is in the other room on our last bed. she's not doing well since you've been born…

* girl: watch this. as i spin, the car spins. i'm like a more evolved form of human.
the Corolla transforms into Bumblebee.
Bumblebee: the focus group said me painted blue would appeal to boys more. why are they making a separate movie about me that'll only remind the public of Bay? and Baymax. and why wasn't i allowed to use my radio voice?

* me: this is like that scene in Skins...
gang: the one on MTV?

* guy: the fuck? what'd you put in my face?
girl: now you know how girls feel when guys do that.
guy: is that a pizza with pineapple on it? subtle. well at least it ain't anchovies.
girl: that's not a pizza, that's my smelly finger. i don't wash my hands when i use the Warhol toilet.

* third wheel: the sign says hot dog but look just below it at the snake. that's really the meat.

* guy: yo, did you bring the masks?
third wheel: yeah but i worked all month with no sleep slaving away at my cosplay atelier. yours are rubber.
girl: now we can ruckus anonymously and the cops will be none the wiser.
third wheel: except you're wearing a raccoon mask which is hard to not spot for its unusualness. i thought this was gonna be a Gatsby theme not a Wind In The Willows theme.
girl: both books banned fom our library until they are Colonialism-Cleansed.
guy: it was gonna be an Eyes Wide Shut theme till you came along early.

* third wheel: look at this closeup of my teeth. notice anything?
girl: they're yellow.
third wheel: no, that's the lighting. they're clean. i brushed my teeth. you know what that means...

* girl: hey take a picture of my cast! so i can post it on instagram and others can write on the pic with their white pens on their screens. that's what comes closest to our generation signing a cast and showing sympathy.

* fourth wheel: is that a Pikachu on your cast? i'm the fourth wheel btw, want to go home?
third wheel: is that a frosted Christmas tree behind you? and why are you dressed as a '60s scientist with glasses?
fourth wheel: that's a meth-lab explosion which crystalized.

* third wheel: got any polish?
girl: we don't polish round these parts, we scratch, we're the new age!
guy: yeah, i'm a dj. everyone on youtube is a dj.
fourth wheel: i got a scratch on my jean jacket, is that woke enough? animal tans and such?
third wheel: no, i meant polish for my teeth.
girl: toothpaste?

* third wheel: HEY i know you! i finally got it! you're that girl from Degrassi, right? the one who went goth but it really was more like '80s New Wave than goth?
fourth wheel: this whole time i thought it was Corolla Hollaback.

* JFK: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. hear that, millennials? I am a Millennial!
*the entire country and world cheer for the voting bloc now is all kids under 11 years old, online voting is now allowed*
JFK: before you get too nostalgic, times as they're lived in are never nostalgic always remember that...but anyway realize that if i had not been assassinated: men would still wear stovepipe hats, Bobby would have been President, Marilyn Monroe would have been the First Female President and First Celebrity President. i choose to go to the moon cos i'm too handsome to stay on Earth with all you kids. my charge is to go to the moon and repopulate the Earth there---free from prejudice, poverty, and war---i am the only one handsome enough to do it! i will take my goofy brother Teddy with me on the rocket so he gets used to another mode of transportation besides cars. or cahs as we say.


happy weekend, my babies. this Thanksgiving choose that Thanksgiving Sandwich from Denny's, that's what i'll be having, meet me there Thursday, i'll be there, i'm the one under the table in the far back with the stained glass lamp heating the oak. smoking. not pot, real smoking, cigarettes, i'm back in my retro '60s groove again. i'm waiting in line early for those pancakes inspired by the Detective Pikachu movie...

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