Friday, December 29, 2017



* Maisie Williams was hotter when she was younger...

* i like Snow Dance better than Sway. sorry, Apple, Apple Japan wins.

* sheesh, why so negative? is it cos you can't leave comments? or that anything Apple is automatically hated? or that the snow is hardtack rather than fluffy?

* woman walks on snowy road.
woman: shit. i forgot to take my final.........................sorry, guys, gotta turn back...................i know you only have the equipment for one day....................why did it have to blizzard on the day of my final?!!.....................why the fuck did i choose to go to college in New York?!!...

* i've never been able to swipe and hold my tablet with the same hand...

* Sam Smith went on the Ricky Gervais Diet.

* yeah, that's the universal symbol of clutching a snowflake in your pincer fingers and letting it go. nobody actually does that with real snow.

* dancing woman: i always wanted to be a ball---
man: ballerina?
woman: baller.
man: you don't have to have balls to be a baller.

* woman: oh yeah, you're the dude from that Samsung commercial. i love that song.
man: Chyvonne Scott "I'm Moving On". i downloaded it on iTunes...

* two people dancing together, can't it just be that?

* man: excuse the mess, i was baking something on this table earlier.
woman: me, too *Beavis laugh*

* woman: is this your car?
man: no.
woman dances on car.

* woman: please stop spinning me, i get vertigo.
man: i'm sorry. but you didn't have to toss cocaine in my face. how are you going to be a ballerina if you can't spin? you're gonna need that cocaine.

* man: you can fly?
woman: i'm auditioning for Peter Pan.
man: but can you sing?

woman: want to come back to my place? i'm throwing a Kwanzaa party.
man: you don't have to try that hard, i already like you.

* man: please, before we part never to see each other ever again, i need to know: does William & Harry die in the new Star Wars?

* Capaldi: i was on set and i think i took a wrong turn somewhere...


happy weekend, my babies. is it 2018 yet?.........................oh yeah i forgot...............

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