1. does your workplace have a "casual Friday" or a day when you can dress down or out of uniform? the monks tried a Casual Friday where we took off our habits and prayed naked on the bed of pebbles by the brook. the abbot said we still had to squat per our Order's ancient custom. our nutsacks were never the same.
for once in my life i want to be the abbot.
2. has the growth of social media and unabashed sharing of personal info on social media made you MORE or LESS cautious about your privacy? 1 cm, okay? leave me alone. there IS no more privacy. and i'm afraid this will only hasten our doom. there will be a terrible reckoning. i for one welcome our new insect overlords. named Computer Bugs.
3. is gay marriage legal where you live? i'm proud of my home country The Netherlands...
4. is smoking marijuana legal where you live? under what circumstances? only if you're named Willie. or you have a big willie. we should all get free pot for medicinal purposes cos there was this study once which concluded that every single human being who has ever lived had some form of mental illness...
5. give us a hashtag that best describes your weekend. hashtag must be 15 letters or less.
<-----nothing typed. too stoned to type. still coming off 420
bonus: have you ever stalked a celebrity? who? i'm not typing this from prison. i wish Sasha Grey would stalk me. stalking means to follow on instagram.
I see what you did there on number 5. :p
ReplyDeleteWhat was the punchline on the cartoon?
ReplyDeletesweeten: I was one boke bloke on 420
ReplyDeletenero: has that New Yorker cartoon aesthetic. it's simply a presentation of a casual Friday that's really casual.
I will stalk you *)
ReplyDeletethank you, my love *)