Monday, August 25, 2014


it's hottest when it's interspecies.

1. think about having sex with your lover. what's the first image that came to your mind? i'm working on this, i've been selfish in the past, i used to think about that website The Art of Blowjob, but ever since i went to that conference i'm reading articles like Make Love Not Porn.

2. what is the most memorable thing you or your partner said immediately after sex? we made it past a minute!

3. a body part of yours is to be shown on a huge billboard in the heart of town. punishment? reward? unclear. which body part do you choose? i show some skin, it's my largest organ.

4. you are about to lose your power of speech, what's the one thing you tell someone before that happens? olive juice. i mouth the words olive juice to her...

5. you are stricken with a disorder in which you blurt out the same single phrase every time you orgasm. what is this phrase? oh God, get me to a doctor, i blurt out this same single phrase every time i orgasm.

bonus: if you had to make out with a friend (same or opposite sex) to save the world from mass destruction, whom would you pick? okay, so he can't be imaginary, right? then i'd choose the only friend who has lasted with me this long since we were kids, my one and only BFF, the Italian guy, the one who moved to Italy, or maybe he's moved back here now, i hope that's the case, we lost touch. one thing's for sure, i do love the guy.




  1. 2. you sound like my x-husband
    3. lol
    5. somehow i just imagined you as captain Kirk saying this!

    Happy TMI

  2. You know that they make olive juice in Italy, right?

    Mouth those words and your bessie will come back with a bottle of virgin olive oil and you never know where things might end up. *)

  3. atiya: oh......God..............get me to i...................blurt out this same single.....................phrase every........time...........i........................................................orgasm.

    Bones: Dammit, Jim, i'm a doctor, not a doctor!

    juli: there's a certain MA person who lives in Italy and does a specific thing that not many can do, i have a feeling we'll be visiting him soon...

  4. Ah, to jump into the Tardis and travel back to the (HNT) days of skin. I can almost see the billboard now... ;-)

  5. cheeky: ah HNT, good times, good times, we'll always have the memories. it's hard to believe now, but even Instagram will fade away one day. only Doctor Who endures, cos they keep switching out the actors and actresses :)

    juli: i contacted him on my watch, but he put me on hold, so i checked the scores *)
