Saturday, April 5, 2014


hai guyz! are you there? you're probably not there, huh? it's a Saturday night. it's also Spring Break. well, in case you are, UConn and Kentucky are gonna play for a national title this Monday night, college basketball, where they do it right with a playoff tournament. anyway, if you want to play, if ANYONE OUT THERE ON PLANET EARTH OR MARS wants to play this blog game, the rules are simple: predict who will win Monday night, UConn or Kentucky. also predict the final score. the winner of this blog game is the one who correctly predicts the actual winning team and is closest to the actual final score. use my example in the comments as a guide. meet me here Tuesday for the results. good luck, have fun, and...oh yeah, the prize for winning: y'know, a cute waitress at the club has just passed me a packet of some special sugar and i'm feelin'


right about now, so i'm in the mood for anything. oh, Legal just said i can't do that, so i guess it's my usual prize: three of my comments at your blog. i know i've been slacking in providing these prize comments to the winners of these games and i am heartily sorry about that, i've got a lot of stuff going on right now and always. hopefully, one day, i'll actually have some real free time when i can finally fulfill my responsibilities. that's why i say three comments but don't give a specific time frame, so it could technically take 100 years before the three comments are transmitted...hopefully sooner, but y' 100 years, hopefully humans are reading minds instead of using blogspot. bye guyz!



  1. The 'Cats will hang banner number nine!

    Kentucky - 69
    Connecticut - 66

    On, on, U of K...

  2. Errrm...

    Kentucky will win. I don't know what by, but win they shall.

  3. thanks for playing, you two! they just did fight songs on HLN with Robin Meade.

  4. thanks for playing, drench! love love LOVE your avatar!

    ...those red lips...are telling me things...

  5. WOW you had almost the perfect score!

  6. the women's championship tonight is gonna be great and historic. two unbeaten teams vying for a title, doesn't get better than that!
