Friday, October 25, 2013


it's like it knows. my jaw started really hurting the day before i was to have my first dentist appointment in a looong time, first major one since the root canal. i had to cancel, money is scarce. money is actually nonexistent. also, i think the weather has something to do with all this. when it starts getting cold, the nerve fibers and secret holes that line the right side of my jaw where the canal was rooted all start to act up, pin up, and announce their pain. it fucking hurts. remembering back, yeah, i finally had that first oral surgery i keep yammering on about during Christmastime, it was during the cold. i hate the cold now. no, that's not true, the cold is still a temporary nuisance. i'd still rather be frozen alive than burned alive. i still hate the sun like any South Park Goth Kid worth his salt should.

anyway, speaking of the cold and the Fortress of Solitude,


and in the comments, talk about how Superman has impacted your life.



  1. oh, um, well, that was a cool short, but, um, we're a Batman household over here...

  2. I honestly am not sure if I went to Niagara Falls when I was little or I just saw Superman 2 a bunch when I was a kid. Sorry about your jaw!

  3. jenny: thank you. i now have to eat candy strictly on the left side...

    love that scene :) i still want to do that thing at Niagara Falls everyone does there...y'know, the thing...i hear it's a barrel of laughs.

  4. I hate the bloody cold.

    Does it affect your cinnabon eating?

    Where can we find money?

    Also prefer Batman. Or Thor.

  5. juli: all the ladies like Thor...for some reason.

    nothing, and i mean NOTHING IN THIS WORLD, will prevent me and the cinnabon from being together. take THAT, society!
