Saturday, May 26, 2012


guys, i'm broke and dead tired, i don't have the energy anymore, even after three straight 5 Hour Energys, 15 is not greater than 13, this month has chewed me under the rainbow and spit me in. what i'm trying to say is that i'm (50) grey inside, i can't entertain my babies like i usually do on a lazy saturday, i'm spent. but it's easy to entertain yourselves, what i do at this here blog is wholly simple and won't make you woolly anymore. watch, look, try this, i already posted the pics for you to use, the hilarity is ensuing with the penalty-of-law mattress tags that everyone fears tearing off when they're a kid or middle-aged in my case, here, i set up the link:


and tell me, for i'm slow, i didn't just land off the turnip truck, i ate all the turnips thinking there wasn't a Taco Bell nearby, later found out there was,

now tell me, dear readers, WHAT WAS THAT that we all just watched together? explain it to me in the comments, no prize or anything, i just want your interpretation of said video, what is this? WHAT is that contraption, what is it for, what does it measure, what does it mean?

a supporter just emailed me the cryptic note, "LANGUAGE OF LOVE," but that doesn't quite explain it fully...



  1. Though we really enjoyed watching the hydraulic blue butt cheeks bouncing up and down on the mattress, our own personal mattress test is a lot more fun.

  2. I don't get it, but, I will never remove that tag from the mattress! Ever!!! lol

  3. Somehow I am not satisfied with the rigour of that test. My test would be much more fascinating to watch, I can tell you that (if I told you more I'd have to kill you). And you there... don't you EVER remove that tag. Cuz they'll know. I don't know how, but they always do...

    ~Kazi xxx
