Wednesday, August 31, 2011



first, click on The Room In The Water to wisp away this series


now, folks, now my babies, be so kind as to remember and share in the comments the one person you currently miss the most when they're gone.

is it the one who got away? or the one you never chased? the one who secretly loves you from afar? or the one who knowingly stalks you from afar? is it the ex from college or high school? the first kiss from grade school...or the first kiss from college (TMI)? please, go ahead, who is that special person? describe in detail, leave not a detail out, no one reads this blog, so your confession is safe with me, Father Phoenix

and with that, ladies and gentlemen...i bid you good night...*bows deeply*

*audience claps loudly with one hand*



  1. I think the one I miss the most, is the man that decided to lock himself in a cage.

    And I'll leave you with that.
    +curtsy+ Sweet dreams : )

  2. That would be my girlfriend, 950 miles South East of me, now. An internet Love Story, but, we're both so broke we have only conversations and written words and gifts by mail.

  3. Love both pics!!!

    And if you flip that one hand rapidly back and forth, you're applauding in sign language ;)

    Who do I miss the most now that he's gone? My kindred spirit, Kevin, who was taken too early from this life with a congenital heart condition. So many regrets that we didn't have more time together!!


  4. How timely, late phoenix, for the one I miss is the one who has just walked away, breaking my heart, tearing my desire to shreds.

    The only cure for pain is Morphine and your seductive 'help' chest...

    (The Cranberries remind me of the one who thankfully got away.)

  5. Its gotta be Master- He is so aware and controlling when He is around that it is odd when He is gone. I feel kinda empty...

    I also miss my kiddos if I am away from them for more then a few days.

    Happy HNT! How can I help? ;)

  6. silly: despite all my rage, i am still just a rat in a cage...

    bone: in my experience, the less a relationship remains online and the more real skin touching is involved, the better

    kazi: oh yeah, thanks for that sign language tidbit, i do faintly remember learning about that

    cheeky babes, how could anyone do anything to you other than love you hard? speaking of HELP, i'll do anything you want to help you out...i mean ANYTHING

    vie: help for me now comes in cute little pills...

  7. The Cranberries remind me of someone who I let get away but probably for the best. The only serious girl on girl relationship I've ever had. We hung out all day every day, had sex every night and kissed in the work out room at work. I also had a bewildered boyfriend at the time. LOL. But when we weren't screwing around we were brawling. Good god.

    I miss my cat the most. She died in 2007. But then I don't like people very much so I guess it makes sense

  8. I miss someone that can never come back.

    HHNT. :)

  9. I am 22 days away from the tenth anniversary of the death of someone who was my whole life at the time. I'm sure he still would be if he were still here.

  10. I miss someone who I shall always miss.

  11. Enjoyed your HNT as usual.

    Really liked reading everyone's comments.

    I racked my brain trying to think of someone I really, really miss or missed and felt "they were the one that got away".

    I got nada. I've had painful breakups, friends I wish I was still in touch with, relatives I've loved and I'm normal.

    Hmm. I really miss my first dog. He died in 2003. I just lost a doggie June 1, too. I miss her.

    Anyway...I still want to lick your nipple.


  12. trixie: MOAR stories like these, please. i need the key to a certain work-out room. i love my cat as well, so much, probably more than is healthy

    minority, gucci, and pocket: :(

    hedone: lick away...i feel ya, there's something about pets, they seem to be superior to humans in every way

  13. I am late to reply but better late than never right? :)
    Love the pic very well done.

    Oh and thank you for leaving me a comment.

    xxx Sophia
