Wednesday, August 3, 2011



first, click on the Fox and the Hound tappin' the keg to gently end the series


every man must walk his Path alone, not saunter along the Appalachian Trail to rendezvous with his Argentine mistress. he must travel to where he's never gone before, don his geeky Star Trek suit, go full-on nerd, shun all female attention, and escape to his secret hiding place. there, he must meditate until he comes to the Enlightenment Moment that meditation is a complete waste of time and energy. he must enter his mind, then his inner mind, then his third eye's mind's mind. he will be so lost in thought that he will appear stoned, but don't wake him up when he's in this state, or you'll catch the paranoia as well. only certain people can make crazy cool, like Sheen. when he arrives at his destination, deep within the moldy, unseen crevices of his brain's imagination, he will finally jot down all of his ideas for novels that he's kept secret even from his mother. he will store up all of his screenplays for failed television pilots that have collected dust in the apartments of all the hookers he's visited. he will finally say a friendly hello to all the leprechauns, dwarves, and elves that live near the river by the babbling brook located above his right ear. as for the trolls? the internet trolls? oh, well, Fuck those guys, but as for the cute little trolls with the blue spiky hair? yeah, those pixies, those guys? well, he'll say hello to them, too...



  1. I love the fox and the hound ...
    "my name's copper imma hound dog rooo rooo roooo" lol
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Artistic clicky

  2. Your crazy fox and my prowling kitty should curl up together and shut out the world, with the exception of the blue-haired pixies and trolls.

    Your chest makes me smile, babe... :*

  3. Not so sure Sheen makes crazy cool, but the Fleet Foxes link was awesome.
    The cute little trolls with the blue spiky hair are awesome too. I have a few of them. They hang out with my little ponies.

  4. shibari: as always, cartoons > life

    cheeky babes: let's fly away together, i keep getting spam emails from airlines for cheap deals inspiring me

    pocket: it's time for some BRONY love

  5. You lost me on the blurb, but I enjoyed the song.

    It's good to stop by. Been missing a lot of you folks in Blogland since I took a semi hiatus of sorts. Hoping all is well! x

  6. traces circle*

    Interesting! Really dig the vid...

  7. connell: ikr

    vie: it became more interesting as a bulky circle
