Saturday, January 28, 2012


which pic is YOUR favorite? you can sense my faves by which pics i decided to post first and last, :D



phairhead said...

Hello Kitty come to life....cuteness to the 3rd power!

Luna Moon said...

Cat in the tailpipe...too cute, but a tragedy waiting to happen??

They're all adorable, I could add a few pics of my own cats!

Mia Wallace said...

I am NOT a cat person, but these are all adorable! The Hello Kitty one is cutely ironic. The cat in the fruit bowl is awesome.

KaziG said...

Awwwwwwwww... it's so hard to choose, I love 'em all! the kitten between the breasts and the kitty sleeping in the fruit bowl definitely rock :D

~Kazi xxx

the late phoenix said...

phair: that seems to be the consensus winner

luna: please do, please do! we must swap cat stories some time

mia: cat in the bowl: art for art's sake

kazi: of course Cleavage Cat is my favorite

Elle said...

Cuteness overload ;)

I love the pic of the cat in the bag that makes it look like its face is the top half of the man's face. Clever ;)

the late phoenix said...

elle: yeah, saw this on huffpo and i simply had to pass it around the sphere. come visit anytime, babe ;)

drollgirl said...

SCREAM! i love these pics! i am going back to look again!!!!!!!!!

the late phoenix said...

droll: this is my *manly scream*